No to New Federal Universities

During his recent visit to Ebonyi State, President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan announced that the federal government will soon establish more federal universities in the country. In making the declaration, the President stated that creating more federal universities was part of the federal government’s “far-reaching measure to bring tertiary education closer to the people”. We beg to differ greatly from the president’s position. Much as it is desirable to take education closer to the people, the rate at which federal universities are mushrooming these days has made the underlying factor for their establishment look more political than any serious attempt to address the problems of our educational sector.
There are currently 27 federal universities across the six geopolitical zones of the country. In reality they should be 36 in all by the time the newly established nine federal universities (approved in February), fully take off by end of the year. Apart from the federal universities there are 36 state-owned universities and 41 private universities. That means Nigeria presently has a total of 104 universities. So it could be conveniently argued that the country does not suffer the lack of tertiary institutions, but rather the absence of quality higher education. Even if the case is made that the private universities are priced beyond the reach of ordinary citizens, setting up more federal universities under the prevailing circumstances is going to be counter-productive.
According to the Nigerian National Policy on Education, the nation’s tertiary institutions are established as part of national development goals with the task to inculcate into the graduates proper skills for survival of the individual and the society. It is also expected that graduates of higher institutions would “develop the intellectual capacity to understand and appreciate their local and external environments”. But to what extent have these policy objectives been achieved?
An objective assessment of Nigeria’s educational system especially with regard to federal institutions shows that even the federal government has woefully failed to meet its own national objectives. What has been evident over the years is steady decline and decay of the institutions. An international survey of Africa’s national universities concluded that in many countries including Nigeria, “education has been reduced to the substandard level in which little or no learning is taking place, occasioned by lack of classrooms, laboratories, libraries, workshops, desks, books, etc.” In fact a recent UNESCO report indicted Nigeria’s educational administrators for apparent lack of interest in the sector. The report particularly noted the use of obsolete technique and methodology as well as decline in research funding.
The sorry state of existing federal universities is such that almost without exception they have all become glorified secondary schools. Even the Governor of Nigeria’s Central Bank, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, recently lamented that Nigerian parents were spending N151billion each year to send their children to universities in Ghana. It is not surprising therefore that out of Nigeria’s 104 universities only 11 were listed on Africa’s top 100 for 2010. University of Ibadan which was rated Nigeria’s best took the 57th position. The same University was ranked number 6304 in the world. In fact no Nigerian university is ranked among the world’s top 1000.
From the foregoing scenario, no one should be left in doubt that what the country needs as a matter of national urgency, is the allocation of more funds to existing universities to enable them meet their running costs, improve on the quality of research and learning, and not establishing more universities. In fact, we would go a step further to suggest the declaration of “educational state of emergency” especially in the federal and state universities. We do not believe that investment in the educational sector is synonymous with the establishment of more universities under the circumstances. It is just for political patronage.
For now it will not be a bad idea to impose a 10-year moratorium on new federal universities while the funds set aside for the purpose should be ploughed into the improvement of infrastructural facilities on the existing ones.